224 days until September 1 - 7, 20259/1 - 9/7/2025

An Official PGA TOUR Champions Event

Stifel Charity Classic Tickets

Grounds Tickets

Thursday Grounds Ticket

Thursday Grounds Ticket

Provides single-day access to the tournament grounds, Thursday, September 4, 2025, during the tournament’s official Pro-Am. Pick your favorite hole to watch along the rope line or take advantage of public bleachers and various concessions options throughout the course.

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Friday Grounds Ticket

Friday Grounds Ticket

Provides single-day access to the tournament grounds, Friday, September 5, 2025. Pick your favorite hole to watch the official tournament competition along the rope line or take advantage of public bleachers and various concessions options throughout the course.

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Saturday Grounds Ticket

Saturday Grounds Ticket

Provides single-day access to the tournament grounds, Saturday, September 6, 2025. Pick your favorite hole to watch the official tournament competition along the rope line or take advantage of public bleachers and various concessions options throughout the course.

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Sunday Grounds Ticket

Sunday Grounds Ticket

Provides single-day access to the tournament grounds, Sunday, September 7, 2025. Pick your favorite hole to watch the official tournament competition along the rope line or take advantage of public bleachers and various concessions options throughout the course.

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Weekly Grounds Ticket

Weekly Grounds Ticket

Provides access to the tournament grounds each day, Thursday, September 4 – Sunday, September 7, 2025. Pick your favorite hole to watch the official tournament competition along the rope line or take advantage of public bleachers and various concessions options throughout the course. 

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Clubhouse Tickets

Friday Clubhouse Ticket

Friday Clubhouse Ticket

Provides single-day access to the tournament grounds, the Norwood Hills Clubhouse Ben Hogan Ballroom and adjacent West Patio on Friday, September 5, 2025. The Ben Hogan Ballroom will open at 10:00am and breakfast & coffee will be available for purchase. Premium food and beverage options are available for purchase in the Ben Hogan Ballroom and on the West Patio.

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Saturday Clubhouse Ticket

Saturday Clubhouse Ticket

Provides single-day access to the tournament grounds, the Norwood Hills Clubhouse Ben Hogan Ballroom and adjacent West Patio on Saturday, September 6, 2025. The Ben Hogan Ballroom will open at 10:00am and breakfast & coffee will be available for purchase. Premium food and beverage options are available for purchase in the Ben Hogan Ballroom and on the West Patio. 

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Sunday Clubhouse Ticket

Sunday Clubhouse Ticket

Provides single-day access to the tournament grounds, the Norwood Hills Clubhouse Ben Hogan Ballroom and adjacent West Patio on Sunday, September 7, 2025. The Ben Hogan Ballroom will open at 10:00am and breakfast & coffee will be available for purchase. Premium food and beverage options are available for purchase in the Ben Hogan Ballroom and on the West Patio.

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Weekly Clubhouse Ticket

Weekly Clubhouse Ticket

Provides access to the tournament grounds, the Norwood Hills Clubhouse Ben Hogan Ballroom and adjacent West Patio Friday, September 5 - Sunday, September 7, 2025. Premium food and beverage options are available for purchase in the Ben Hogan Ballroom and on the West Patio. The Weekly Clubhouse Ticket also includes grounds access on Thursday, September 4 for the tournament’s official Pro-Am as well as access to the Legends Charity Challenge presented by World Wide Technology on Saturday, September 6.

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