224 days until September 1 - 7, 20259/1 - 9/7/2025

An Official PGA TOUR Champions Event

Entitlement Opportunities

Take advantage of the many co-branding opportunities for onsite and community exposure.

Spectator Guide Advertisements

St. Louis sports fans will flock to the Stifel Charity Classic presented by Compliance Solutions and you can reach this outstanding audience by advertising in the Official Spectator Guide. Distributed free-of-charge, the Official Spectator Guide will include daily pairings for tournament rounds, making it a must have for all attendees. Package includes eight (8) weekly clubhouse tickets.

Fan Expo

Expo tents are located in a highly trafficked area, provide a terrific way to engage with golf fans or sample products / services. Package includes 10x10 tent, power, table and sponsor ID signage, along with eight (8) weekly grounds tickets.

Hole Sponsor

Hole sponsors receive one (1) prominently displayed logo on the hole / par / yardage sign positioned adjacent to one (1) tee box at Norwood Hills. Includes four (4) weekly clubhouse tickets.

Entitlement Opportunities

Looking for a unique marketing platform to differentiate your company and its products or services? The Stifel Charity Classic offers customizable sponsorship programs that can serve as valuable business tools to build brand awareness and align your company with a week-long celebration of world-class golf, community spirit and charitable giving.

Entitlement opportunities include but are not limited to:

  • Autograph Area
  • Driving Range
  • Golf Carts
  • Putting Green
  • Standard Bearers